I don't really want to call it a diet, as every TV dietician will explain, if my weight loss is to be maintained I need to change my whole attitude towards food FOREVER. Not just for a fad couple of weeks.
I've got some goals. I bought an amaze outfit for a wedding reception I am going to this weekend (if I have to go dateless to any kind of celebration of other peoples love then I am definitely looking hot whilst doing so). And I have my besties wedding in a couple of weeks. Those pictures I will be reminiscing over literally for the rest of my life, so probs best to look my slimmest.
I don't really mean to become a dieting bore and as yet I have refrained from writing anything food related, however, I recognise I need another focus in my life aside from work and what better to be focused on but myself! My new mantra being; healthy body, healthy mind.
I recognise how stereotypical I am; mid-twenties, wine drinker, single and moaning about the size of my thighs. I'm sorry, I truly am. I promise for this here weight issue not to turn into the typical I'm-so-fat-rant. But truthfully, over the last twelve months I have treated food like a boyfriend. We've been spending so much time together, I've been thinking about him all the time, in fact, he's been the highlight of my day. He has quite literally been my only pleasure... But sadly, like all my relationships, it's time to breakup. It's not you, it's me and my uncontrollable reach for the biscuits.
I may jest but it's no joke, I have been greedily over-eating these last few months and more. I love food and I love comfort eating and anything goes; crisps, chocolate, sweets, garlic bread, pizza, fast food, beer... Oh sorry, I was just salivating. But, I have thoroughly enjoyed eating. I have enjoyed letting go, eating what I want when I want and like a true food-aholic my addiction makes me happy. It's just now I have to face the consequences.
So here goes. I am ON IT. I am self control central. I have my fruit, I have my meal plan for the week and I have an amaze outfit to look my best in. I'll keep you updated.