Sunday 7th December 2008
So my life is full of drama. The whole 'Mr Rebellious' thing is very much in full swing. Been out a few times now and have ended up at his on more than a few occastions.
Thing is I think he really likes me, well that's what he has said! All the signs are telling me this is bad, the amount of lies I am telling is awfull, one thing is for sure, if this continues I am going to have to be honest with the rents. I absolutly hate having to lie but they leave me no choice!
It's only a bit of fun and I'm still figuring it all out for myself anyway, so what is there to tell.
The thing is, he is probably the most inappropriate guy I could ever be with. Well ok, not that bad but pretty bad. Firstly I think it has been so long since I've had any sort of thing like this that it feels nice to go out and have a flirt. Secondly it is quite fun, I know I'm not going to get too involved so really there's no harm?! And it's really hard to say no - it's so easy to text back and say 'Yea, I'll go out'.
I'm def going to speak to him on Tuesday... Oh yea, I'm going over to his, GOD!