Other things

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Our Research into The Game

If you have been hiding under a rock these past couple of months (or perhaps not read any of my previous posts) you might not be aware of the research myself and my fellow FPUAs have been undergoing. Since reading The Game by Neil Strauss we have been putting his tips and tricks into practise. Yes, his book is aimed at men picking up women but we have been exploring which practises can be transferred over to women picking up men and which cannot.

Since entering the world of the male PUA (pick up artist) we have learnt to recognise all those little games boys play when trying to get into your pants. It's quite fun because you can spot them anywhere; I can't watch a Hollywood rom-com without witnessing one or more of a PUAs move. Not only do we put into practise these methods but we also hold involuntary focus groups with the many boys we come across. Obviously they are completely unaware of their contribution to our research therefore making our work highly unethical. Oh well.

We have actually learnt a lot by just talking to these boys and everyone sharing their experiences. For instance, last weekend they appeared shocked when myself and KK were discussing our Friday night out, in which I told a story of approaching a guy on the dance floor. KK's Jumper Boy responded 'You actually go up to guys?', myself and KK replied 'Yea, of course. They don't come up to us!'. The boys carried on to explain that they have never had a girl come up to them on a night out. Strange. We now think it normal practise to approach a guy, although sometimes this doesn't really work out to plan... (if you are intrigued you might want to read about my epic fail last Friday evening; but be warned, it's quite a gruesome story).

It was also discussed a few weeks ago that some guys have exceptional high standards when it comes to their ladies now, mainly because of all the glossy images of nudy girls in the media and the perfectly formed private parts of porn stars. Funny, I never thought I would mention the phrase 'high standards' and 'perfect' in the same phrase as porn stars. Anyway, this was why I was a little shocked to come across this article on the Daily Mail today whilst munching on my cheese sandwich at lunchtime.

For those of you who do not know Tracey Cox, she is THE sexpert, appearing on highly intellectual TV programmes such as This Morning and Big Brother. In her latest blog post she explains why she believes men to prefer average looking women as opposed to hot ones, mainly because it makes them feel insecure. How odd? This goes completely against our findings. Perhaps we need to bring this up at our next focus group.

Other things we have learnt through discussing Game tactics with these boys are;
Bums are the new boobs - if the face is alright it goes boobs then bum, bum being the deal breaker
Some boys think about getting their GF's knocked up to keep them - it's true, one of them actually confessed to thinking about this
Sleeping with hookers is actually quite common - ok, so maybe not common but definitely the thing to do in Amsterdam
Nipples are a big issue - their own of course; too big, too small, too camouflaged