Other things

Sunday, 25 September 2016

50 Shades of Single

You can tell a women's relationship status by her reaction to the newest 50 Shades of Grey ad. Excitement, distraction and lust equals married or might as well be and/or no longer having hot sex (if any sex at all). 'Meh', 'looks good' or 'he reminds me of Dan from the gym' uttered from the single and dating girls who, since the last movie came out, have been reenacting the most infamous scenes with their latest Tinder flings.

Sweeping statement? Possibly. Ringing home just a little? Most likely. 

Throughout my twenties I have undertaken many an investigation into the lives of my monogamist girl friends. I've been fascinated by sneak-peeks into their relationships; the pros and the cons, the good bits and the bad bits. All because you see, I am extremely concerned with weather or not I myself made the right call in my early twenties to be single and to enter the adult world of dating.

My latest observation stems from the reaction in the office to the new 50 Shades Darker film trailer. The girl who was most excited by this has been with her now fiancé for 10 whole years (by the way, she's 1 year younger than me - how are we even old enough to be with someone for 10 years?!). The hottest section of the ad being Jamie Dornan, erm sorry, Christian Grey slamming Anastasia Steel up against a wall in the shower, all naked and kiss-y and stuff. Their reactions made me wonder if these women (who have already marked the release on their calendar for Feb 14th next year) have ever even experienced sex in the shower in real life, let alone all that kinky stuff Mr Grey gets up to in that Red Room.

This isn't me confessing to all that I've been up to all that S&M type stuff. It's more me confessing to feeling quite satisfied with the sexual adventures I've experienced so far in my twenties. To bring it back to the pros and cons of marriage vs. single, I truly believe that I've had more sex than a lot of my relationshipped girl friends. And believe me when I say that says more about the state of their sex lives than the busyness of my bed. 

Maybe I'm wrong? I hope to god I am. I believe sex is such an important part of a relationship. It's intimacy at its best. It's love and friendship not to mention lots and lots of fun. Everyone knows it's always the best when it's with someone you love. If I had that on tap I certainly wouldn't waste that opportunity.

Let's hope 50 Shades Darker injects a bit of spice into the sex lives of these marrieds and that Ann Summers sees the same increase in sales as it did 3 years ago. Not just for the sake of those adorable battery powered rabbits but for the sex lives and sanity of those woman longing for a little Christian Grey in their lives.