Other things

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Paco Robanne, Millionaire

Care free, 22 and totally infatuated with Mr Rebellious. He would turn up at my front door in his favourite (poorly ironed) shirt, baggy jeans and drenched in his man perfume. His tight, black curls would be gelled and his face freshly washed and shaved. I'd totter to his beaten up, silver Vauxhaul Astra, open the door and move cigarette packets and chief paraphernalia off the front seat. He'd wined down the window, light up a cigarette and say something along the lines of; 'you look gorgeous honey' and away we'd go.

Funny how smells ignite a memory, a feeling, a moment in time. It's been three years since I last saw Mr Rebellious and since I put an end to the whole on-again-off-again drama. It's been five years since I started seeing him. It doesn't seem that long ago...

Sunday 16th November 2008
I am officially nuts. Been at work tonight as usual, really gotta talk about this whole [Mr Rebellious] thing. For the past couple weeks he had been really mean to me, so last week we (Becca, me, him) end up going out on Sat night. Cause I was a bit pissed I was dancing and flirting and we ended up outside chatting and we kinda sorted all this stuff out. Work Sunday was good because we were just having a laugh about the night before.
Then, this Friday I went out with Becca and some others from work. I was absolutely wrecked, puking up outside and EVERYTHING. Guess who came to my rescue!!
So Saturday night at work I was just apologising etc. Now, tonight we were just doing the usual flirting thing and I think I'm in trouble because I think I like him!! It's insane, not even my type, totally the wrong sorta person but I genuinely think I like him. And [the] thing is, if I don't take this opportunity now then I'm a dick. He's leaving in a few weeks anyway. Argh! Shall I text him? Oh god