Other things

Friday, 9 August 2013

Too much information?

After my last post a friend text me:
I don't mean this in a horrible way but I love that things like this are happening to you because it makes great blog writing material 
She's completely right of course. All my drama of the last few months does make for a good read (partly due to my hilarious writing skills as well of course) but I got thinking about all my drama and if I make more of it purely for entertainment value.

I've always told a good story, I think I got that from my nan. I like relaying a silly story to make someone smile, laugh or, where relevant, feel sorry for me. This blog is definitely an outlet for that and over the last few weeks I've been aware that it's getting more hits, meaning more people are being entertained by my ridiculous stories.

Whether im writing a blog post or relating a story to my friend on her sofa I'll always embellish them a little for dramatic effect, but I've recently been thinking that perhaps I over re-act in reality for things to be even more entertaining. Perhaps my whittling on about Mr CBA for months on end is more about the value of the story than actually him. 

I've never been a secret keeper. I only ever keep other peoples really massive ones, ones that I wouldn't want to be the one to spill. I only know a handful of those and they still play on my mind. Sometimes I try to keep things to myself to avoid the confusion of other people's opinions influencing my own, but I just can't. Five minutes into conversation I can feel my secret on the tip of my tongue, desperately trying to escape. And it will, it always does. My confession is often followed by word vomit, explaining the reasoning behind my action; 'I know I shouldn't have text him but I wanted to' or 'I couldn't help eating all the crisps - I was sooo hungry''. 

My inefficiency at keeping secrets coupled with my love of telling a big, juicy story leaves me in a position where I end up telling everyone everything. If you looked up the definition of 'wearing your heart on your sleeve' you'd probably find a little doodle of a curley haired girl with freckles and glasses (that's me btw). 

It's made me question the whole writing the blog thing to be honest; do I want my secrets out there in the world for everyone to see? Should I just use this story telling platform as a light hearted medium just for a bit of a laugh? Thing is I think the real-to-life stories are the good ones because they are so real to life... Gosh, want a conundrum.