Other things

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Going with the flow part 2

So I've been asked out on two dates. I bet your thinking 'fantastic! Go get 'em! Do it for us relationship bound bores!'. Well I'm not thinking any of those things. I'm actually thinking that I really can't be arsed. I know I'm being a cow, sometimes I like to be.

I text Mr Double Date on Monday. I just thought I should, it's not like I have loads of offers (well I've got two to be precise). I thought I should just go for it. You know, go with the flow.Then Mr Friends Brother  text and again, I thought 'why not?'. There was some texts back and fourth; I was going with the flow.

Well the flow has now lead me to a decision making crossroads; to date or not to date. Oh god, I am hating having to make any decisions at all at the moment. This one could end me up in all sorts of drama I really cannot be bothered with. Although, one question that keeps playing on my mind is why not? What's an evening out, a drink, some texting? All innocent fun, well it's supposed to be fun even if I'm not feeling it at the moment.

And so, in the spirit of going with the flow I've decided to take these two boys up on their offers. I now have two dates lined up before my holiday #playingthefield.