Other things

Tuesday, 9 October 2012


So much has happened over the last few months...
My bestest single friend (aka the Wifey) met a man, turned a little odd and swiftly moved out of my spare room. My saviours came in the shape off two newly single gal pals; old school friends whom I have rekindled friendships, with over lots of wine and Dissarano cranberries. These girls have been amazing, encouraging me to be just a little bit naughty with the boys and have joined me in getting drunk every Saturday night since May. That might explain my absence in writing - it's just too painful staring at a computer screen with a Jagerbomb hangover.

I am of course still selling bras and booze, but I think my focus has been elsewhere; either re-living the previous weekend's embarrassing Saturday night, or looking forward to the weekend's to come.

Myself and my new found gal pals have been pretty much focused on one thing: boys. Since reading Neil Straus' The Game we have been obsessed with a female equivilant, determined to translate some of his theories over to the blokes. We have experimented with opening lines; it turns out guys are pretty crap at being the forward ones, observed the numerous ways of peacocking, looked out for IOIs (indicators of interest) and have become self-proclaimed experts at negging*. We have turned into femail PUAs (pick up artists). The boys of Bedford had better watch out.

So I guess you could say I have been meeting quite a few guys, but the quality of these finds may have to be questioned. The latest boy was quite literally a boy; he was 20, at collage and worked behind the popcorn counter at Cineworld. What can I say? The possibility of cheap cinema tickets and an endless supply of pick and mix lured me to him across the dance floor of Hi Fi. That and his height. I can't really remember too much more about him.

Tomorrow's Wednesday - Hump Day. Too early to start thinking about this Saturday's shinanigans?

Shel x

*Negging - a term used by Neil Straus, and all Pick Up Artists in his book, referring to the technique of ignoring and then slightly insulting the lady they are interested in, only to compliment her and lure her in at the point she thinks he is not interested. Seems complicated but guys seem to love it. The more you take the piss out of them the more they love you.