With all the self-training I have been undergoing with my fellow FPUAs I feel I have got kinda good at the meeting the guys thing. The flirting, the chat and in more recent weeks the snogging in the middle of the dance floor I am quickly becoming a natural at. It's the next bit I always have trouble with.
Firstly there's the number swap. To-date I have never asked a guy for his number, however if he asks for mine I usually oblige. Here follows one of two things; either he will drunkenly text later that night/the next day, with something along the lines off 'You have a good night?' or he will drop off the face of the earth into the solar system of forgotten boys. The three day rule made famous by teen films in the 90s/00s no longer appears to apply.
There is however a new element to this next bit, you could call it an extension; Facebook. Personally, I would never add a new boy on Facebook for fear of being labelled a 'stalker' or 'psycho'. Also, there's the bit a few weeks down the line when you have forgotten all about him, your news feed is full of un-funny comments on a picture/wall post you know nothing about. Saying all this however, if he adds you then this is the quite obviously the green light for a little inbox banter.
OK, so even this bit I can kinda do. As you've just read, I am quite rehearsed in it. It's the next bit I think I need more practise at.
You know the bit in Bridget Jones when she's flirting with Daniel Cleaver across the office and immediately imagines them on their wedding day? Yea, well that's me. I jump the gun big time. Yes, I know its a little nuts, well OK, massively nuts, but I think I do it because above all I am an idealist.
I like to think this amazing guy for me will come along one day and I will just 'know', just like all your friends in long-term relationships tell you you will. To be honest, this is so ridiculous it is probably worthy of another post. My point here is this; if I don't feel something for a guy in the first few moments of meeting him then I toss him onto the 'not for me' pile and move on to the next. I would love to be cool and date lots of guys (when I say date I actually mean date, no funny business) but perhaps I'm not giving these nice boys the BOD.
So with this in mind, Oil asked me out again for a little drink. Perhaps I should accept this second opportunity and give him just that; the BOD.