We all probably know one. Perhaps your even one yourself. What if you are one but don't even know it; Mean Girls can be found everywhere.
Mean Girls can be found hanging around in a group of three or more and are usually OK on a one-to-one basis. The one thing they all have in common is their super strength ability to back-stab.
Both my places of work probably encourage a bit of competition and therefore bitching, although a friend of mine was telling me only the other day about similar stories at her place of work. My friend actually works with a very old school friend who she confided in when she got a pay-rise, next thing my friend was called into her managers office because someone else had heard through the grapevine. Ten points for guessing who had blabbed? Brooke says there is an element of pack mentality involved in being a Mean Girl and sometimes individuals find themselves conforming to bitching in order to fit in. Think back to all those Mean Girls at school; most of them were alright on their own, it was only when they met their Mean Girl gal pals at lunchtime that they turned into super bitches.
Personally I have never found it easy to pal up with girls without there being a drama. At school I made friends with a bunch of boys and when I started seeing Mr Reliable I hung out with him and his mates. Of course I did have girlfriends - my oldest bestie has always been on the scene, she even came to hang out with us when in the 6th form. But it was only when I went to Uni and met all the Uni Girls that I had my own group of girls. Since then I have found it easier with girls. Boys are just so honest and they hate the drama. I know boys love a good bitch too but they would also say it to their mates face - muchos respect for this.
One of boy mates I really really value. I probably speak to him differently to any of the my gal pals because I know he would tell me exactly what he thought to my face, not tell me one thing to my face then something else behind my back - a classic characteristic of a Mean Girl.
I do not claim to be all holy-er than thou. I probably have been heard speaking about someone behind their back at some point and yes, maybe had a little bitch. But I truly believe in having the balls to say it to their face or at least not being fake and pretending to like that person, I have always believed in treating people as I would like to be treated. I guess everyone has a little Mean Girl about them.