I've always liked the idea that my lover/boyfriend/husband is my best friend; always there for me, knows me inside out. I suppose everyone deep down is looking for that that connection too. I think that level of friendship/relationship takes time though, you don't suddenly become BFFs with a newbie you meet at work, it takes bonding, shared experiences and probably tears for your friendship to be tested (not in a multi-question quiz kinda way but in a worlds strongest man way; a test of strength, stamina).
Relationships come in all different shapes and sizes too. Some work best in each-others pockets, completely secluded in their own world, some work just as well long distance, without the need for constant conversation. When I think of all my taken friends I have observed how different their relationships are, not in a bad way of course (most of them are probably reading this... Ha), they just all work in different ways. The one thing I do notice though is that the basic principles are always the same. Perhaps it's because we've been conditioned by society to behave/bond in a certain way with a partner, or maybe it's even deeper than that. Maybe it's in our genetic makeup to form these strong bonds to maximize our lifespan and therefore our opportunity to pass along our genes (wow this shit just got deep). Or, lets go all rom-com and Richard Curtis here, maybe it's just magical (no, I haven't been smoking drugs).
I'm lucky, I have the most supportive parents. They are the most reliable people, the only people who are selflessly there for me. It's crossed my mind many times that perhaps their strength has set me up with extremely high standards when it comes to friendships/relationships. If I think back to fall out with friends and relationships it's usually because I feel I've been let down. Perhaps I need to consider the possibility that no one is as perfect as me (I'm joking obvs) - maybe these high expectations are preventing me forming the one friendship I really REALLY want to.
p.s. I've written about my Great Expectations many times before...
p.s. I've written about my Great Expectations many times before...