God knows I have had tricky days. Days I really don't want to get out of bed and face the day. I'm sure everyone has felt this feeling.
I guess it's not the feeling you've got to tackle but it's the what you do with it. You could give in, stay in bed all day and feed the misery (that does sometimes sound quite appealing). Or you could choose the alternative and not give in. To get up out of bed and get on with things. I don't mean bounce into work and through your day like a Disney princess (I'm picturing Snow White, whistling whilst she's working) or facing the day with a big old smile on your face, being the best possible version of yourself. I just mean not giving in to the misery, the mood, the depression.
Yesterday my housemate moved out. It kind of upset me more than I thought it would. Perhaps it bought up memories of when my previous housemate/best friend moves out. Maybe it made me think how much I would love to share my home with someone I love. I don't know. I'm trying not to overanalyse things.
Thing is, yesterday could have been shitty. I could have been miserable all day, focusing on just getting home so I could cry in the privacy of my bath uninterrupted. But I didn't. Well I did cry in the bath but I didn't look forward to it all day long, just on the train on the way home. Ha! I went to bed in a pretty low mood but I had the outlook that tomorrow is another day.
It doesn't matter how I felt yesterday. It doesn't even matter how I am going to feel tomorrow. I've got to focusing on how I am going to feel today. Right now.